Join us for
Sunday School @ 10:00 AM
SundayMorning Preaching @ 11:00 AM
Sunday Evening Prayer @ 5:30 PM
Sunday Evening Service @ 6:00 PM
Wednesday Night Service @ 7:00 PM
Our loving
Pastor Leslie Bourdess and family
On a mission to reach the world with the gospel that the sun never sets on the ministry.
Our church is supporting over 60 missionaries all over the world
Reaching from our hearts to yours to give you hope
We here at Morning Star Independent Baptist Church hope that by using this web service that you would find yourself to getting a little closer to Jesus. We study and preach from the old King James version bible and hope that in doing this, your life could be a changed life, and that you through prayer and studying the word with us, you too could have the full relationship with our loving Jesus Christ and through Him we could have a closer relationship with our living God, because through prayer and studying the word and giving what we have to Jesus is the only true way to reach and have communication with our living God. We try to set an example to offer you the best that we can to lead you on the right path to having victory in life, knowing that we too are sinners saved by grace, but through Jesus we can have victory over self and have the power to overcome because as we ask to be forgiven of our sins he will be with us through it all. What the world cannot provide, Jesus can always provide and make a way if we only just seek his heart and be willing to give of ourselves, he too will also give us peace, love, and joy and by this we can have the power to take on what the world puts before us. Let us help you to the one and only that can give you Grace, Love, Peace and build your Faith, so you too can have the fullest of life. It is our goal that we not tell our God how big our troubles are but, to tell our troubles how big our God is. We hope that you will enjoy the provided services through audio and video.